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Vitality SuperGreen & Super Spirulina Plus Combo

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Vitality SuperGreen & Super Spirulina Plus Combo

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Vitality SuperGreen & Super Spirulina Plus Combo

Bundle Contains:

  • Vitality Super Green
  • Super Spirulina

Super Spirulina Plus

Body Ecology’s Super Spirulina Plus is a superfood made from all-organic and all-fermented ingredients. Spirulina, quinoa, millet, brown rice, chickpeas, and seeds have been fermented with live naturally occurring beneficial microflora. All of the nutrients in this amazing food are predigested and are easily utilized by the body. Use Super Spirulina Plus daily to help naturally detoxify your body, maintain a healthy weight, and boost your energy.

Spirulina in its raw form is difficult to digest and assimilate, so our Super Spirulina Plus is the optimal way to be sure you receive all of this superfood's amazing health benefits!

Benefits of Super Spirulina Plus

With 50% fermented spirulina, the densely concentrated nutrients in our Super Spirulina Plus helps protect our bodies from stress and toxins.

Scientific studies on animals and humans have shown that spirulina supports immune function, T-cell proliferation and antibody production. These studies have also shown that spirulina has anti-inflammatory properties, and helps deactivate the toxins in food.

Spirulina is known to contain phytonutrients with strong antioxidant properties which support cellular health by protecting the cell membranes and DNA from damage by reactive oxygen radicals.

Many of these health benefits can be obtained from eating large amounts of certain fruits and vegetables. However, spirulina has all of these properties rolled into one.

Super Spirulina Plus is an incredibly energizing, nutrient-dense powder that is perfect for:

  • Detoxifying the body
  • Age management and longevity
  • People who want to preserve good health
  • Those following a vegan or vegetarian diet
  • Athletes, children, pregnant women & the elderly

Studies have shown that spirulina can:

  • Help your body fight infection
  • Inhibit allergic reactions
  • Lower your cholesterol
  • Raise your HDL (good cholesterol) levels
  • Help you maintain a healthy weight

Super Spirulina Plus Ingredients

100% fermented to magnify bio-availability. All vegan and organic. 50% fermented spirulina, quinoa, millet, biodynamic rice, chickpeas, flaxseeds, and alfalfa seeds.

Spirulina: extensive research has shown it to be a truly remarkable food source, with its phenomenally high protein content and rich reserves of many vital nutrients, including vitamin B12 (essential for vegetarians). Spirulina also contains a formidable array of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements together with rare, unsaturated fats including gamma-linolenic acid.

Quinoa: has an almost perfect amino acid composition, a high content of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and a low sodium content.

Millet: rich in silica and protein, millet improves the health of your hair, skin, and nails. Of all the cereals, millet contains the highest level of iron, and contains magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and other minerals, along with vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and small amounts of C.

Chickpeas: A great source of cholesterol –lowering fiber. In addition their high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after a meal.  When combined with whole grains such as rice, chick peas provide virtually fat-free, high quality protein.

Biodynamic Rice: contains high levels of insoluble fiber and contributes B vitamins – folic acid and pyridoxine- iron and potassium. Rice also contains the B vitamin thiamine, which is present in the brain. An excellent source of complex carbohydrates.

Flax Seed: Is high in essential fatty acids. Flax seed can be good for the bowel system, soothe cramps and reduce inflammation. It provides omega-3 and omega-6 oils.

Alfalfa Seeds: A good source of Vitamins B1, B2, niacin, calcium, iron and is an excellent source of protein. Alfalfa seed has a percentage protein by weight of 35% as opposed to lean beef, which has 28% protein by weight.

Dairy Free * Soy Free * No Added Sugar * Certified Organic

Why Super Spirulina Plus

Did you know that a growing number of people are protein deficient due to their inability to properly digest it? Protein deficiency can lead to adrenal fatigue, nausea and stomach pain, muscle soreness, skin rashes, and even hair loss. As we get older, it becomes increasingly difficult to properly digest animal protein, which is why we need plant-based sources.

Body Ecology’s Super Spirulina Plus is a highly concentrated, nutrient-dense superfood unlike any other on the market. With just 1 teaspoon serving per day, this 100% Immune Power Protein Shake maximizes bio-availability, providing you with the necessary plant-based protein you may be lacking due to improper digestion.

Did you know that animal protein is acid forming? So, too much animal protein could be harmful. To be truly healthy, your blood must remain slightly alkaline at all times. Acidic blood can lead to weight gain, early aging, infection and even degenerative diseases. Our Super Spirulina Plus contains plant based proteins, that when fermented, become alkalizing. When your blood is alkaline it will function at optimum efficiency – processing toxins and disposing of them properly, absorbing nutrients and providing life-giving oxygen and energy to hard working cells.

With over 50% fermented spirulina, our Super Spirulina Plus provides vital nutrients such as chlorophyll, amino acids, beta carotene, minerals, trace elementsomega-3, omega-6, and the super antioxidants zeaxanthin and lutein.

Recommended Serving Size and Instructions:

Mix 1 teaspoon a day of Super Spirulina Plus with warm or cold water. Super Spirulina Plus can also be added to smoothies, salad dressing, and sprinkled over everything.


The perfect party dip served with vegetables: 2 avocados, juice of 1 lemon, 2 tsp. garlic, 1 tsp. Super Spirulina Plus, 1 finely diced red pepper, 1 finely diced onion, add sea salt, blend, and enjoy.

A perfect pick-me-up liquid breakfast: Combine 1⁄2 cup of filtered water, 1⁄2 cup of InnergyBiotic (or your favorite Body Ecology Probiotic Liquid), 1 tsp. Super Spirulina Plus and 2 scoops of Body Ecology Vitality SuperGreen powder. Blend and enjoy!

Vitality SuperGreen

What makes Vitality SuperGreen different from all the other green drinks on the market today? Why is ours so special? With a unique focus on nourishing the inner ecosystem, this very alkalizing formula, specially created by Donna Gates, may help soothe and rebuild the lining of your intestines.1-3

A generous amount of nutrient-rich elements like L-glutamine, FOS from chicory inulin, GMO-free sunflower lecithin, and aloe vera extract (200:1) help establish and maintain a healthy mucosal lining.4-6 As the leader in fermented foods and nutrition, we know how important it is to establish and nourish an inner ecosystem. This civilization of beneficial microbes needs healthy food just like you do -- and they love algae. 

So, we've spared no cost in blending together an extraordinary spectrum (or life force) of fermented algae and cereal grasses, fermented green veggies, enzymes, probiotics, and food-based supplements, providing you the highest quality green drink on the market today. Use it to rebuild and support your immunity and to create new vitality.7-9

Consuming fermented algae as a superfood may not only impact immune function in as few as eight weeks, as studies have reported.10 It might also give you renewed energy. When Japanese researchers administered either chlorella (algae) or a placebo to younger people, they were surprised to find that the algae-consuming group showed improvements in endurance. This was marked by a significant increase in peak oxygen uptake – meaning, chlorella could help boost output and performance.11

It’s not just a bestseller

Vitality SuperGreen is a time-tested favorite among our Body Ecology community: Mix it up each morning and for an afternoon boost.

Vitality SuperGreen is an excellent source of complete, easily-assimilated protein, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, lignans, essential fatty acids, nucleic acids, and beneficial microbes.

Newly reformulated to include fermented algae, fermented greens, and sunflower lecithin, Vitality SuperGreen is a synergistic formula that features:

  • Algae: Cracked-wall chlorella; red marine algae; dulse powder (palmaria palmata)
  • Cereal grass: Barley grass juice; alfalfa juice
  • Intestinal support blend: L-glutamine; chicory root inulin (fiber); flaxseed fiber; sunflower lecithin (GMO-free); aloe vera extract (200:1)
  • Fermented vegetable blend: Organic spinach, organic parsley, organic kale
  • Fermented algae blend: Spirulina, BioAstin Astaxanthin, chlorella, dunaliella salina, kelp, barley grass, oat grass, alfalfa grass, barley flakes
  • Probiotic power blend:Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus delbreukii (caseii, bulgaricus, causasicus, fermenti, plantarum, brevis, helveticus, leichmanni, lactis.) Bifidabacterium bifidum, Saccharomyces boulardii, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • Super supplement blend: Rice bran extract (antioxidant); acerola extract; rhodiola rosea; bilberry extract; Biovin Grapeseed extract; beta 1,3 glucan (dual standard)
  • Vanilla and stevia

When we wake up in the morning, our intestines are dehydrated.  Our body is still waking up and needs time to get into full gear, so easy-to-digest foods are a must.

First, drink 12 to 16 ounces of warm or room-temperature mineral water. Then stir Body Ecology’s Vitality SuperGreen into some young coconut kefir and add some chia seeds. Let this thicken for several minutes, and you have a great drink that will nurture your intestines.  

You can also make a Morning Greens Smoothie, in the morning or any time of day. Blend water, a stalk of celery, a leaf of romaine lettuce, half of a zucchini, a small sour green apple, some chia seeds, half an avocado, a big handful of mint, a few drops of stevia, and 2 scoops Vitality SuperGreen, and you have an alkalizing, high-fiber drink.

Contains no fillers and no excipients. 279 grams. If taken once daily, one container will last for one month.

Suggestions for use: Add 2 scoops (or more) to 8 ounces of filtered water. Enjoy it for breakfast or as an afternoon pick-me-up! Refrigerate after opening.

Although this is a great-tasting drink, to make it a little sweeter, add a few drops of Body Ecology's liquid stevia concentrate to taste as desired.

Warning: If you are pregnant or nursing, please consult your healthcare professional before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children.

*Information and statements regarding dietary supplements/products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The views and opinions expressed by contributors and or product reviews are their own and not necessarily those of Donna Gates or These reviews should not be taken as recommendations but rather customer opinions of the products that they have used. The real Body Ecology customers featured in our videos may have been compensated for their time. Results may vary. Furthermore, Donna Gates or makes no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information contributed by outside sources, and assumes no responsibility or liability regarding the use of such information. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information provided in content sections, customer reviews and testimonials is intended for educational purposes only. Products sold on are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, have a medical condition, or are under the age of 18, consult your physician before using this product. Immediately discontinue use and consult your physician if you experience any adverse reaction to this product. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.